Friday, 24 December 2010

Happy Christmas

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy positive New Year 2011!

Monday, 6 December 2010

Winter Wonderland

Hello, hello, hello... I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front haven't I! We've all been poorly for the past week, on the mend now though and in the midst of birthday preparations, christmas preparations and more birthday preparations... woo hoo, exciting... I'll post more soon... TTFN

Monday, 15 November 2010


I've finally completed my celtic christmas cross stitch picture... I'm soooo pleased with it, although it was quite difficult sewing all the beads on. I'm planning on getting it framed for a christmas present soon. What do you think?

I received a gorgeous vintage (1950's approx) sewing basket from a very generous blogger a few weeks ago with loads of lovely interesting finds, buttons and things, the inside is lined with a pretty floral pattern.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Creative busyness..

I've completed a bit more of my celtic lady cross stitch picture. I've done all the beading on the top border and right hand border and am now working on the left hand side sewing on the red beads. I've really enjoyed sewing this picture and will be a little sad when it's complete.

Exciting news!!!! I treated myself to a new to me Nikon camera recently... I'm absolutely loving using it, took little one to the zoo so there were loads of photo opps there. Recently decided to make my own camera case for it. I've had this material for ages and ages and wasn't sure what to make out of it, so I thought this little project would be perfect for it. The bag is quilted for extra security against knocks and toddlers :)

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Giveaway on one of my fav blogs!

You simply must head over to one of my favourite blogs, she is doing a wonderful giveaway, you never know you may win! It's '' .... take a look...

Friday, 27 August 2010

Baking Day

Had a fun baking day, making chocolate nests... they were yummy.... little one helped lots sorting out the paper cases and stirring!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Farm fun..

We had a great time recently going to an open farm, little one really loved the 'baa's' as she calls them! There were lots of animals to see including LOADS of chickens, some pigs who had recently had piglets - so cute, goats, sheep (of course) and cows. We came back with some freshly laid eggs that we picked ourselves and had a yummy slab of cake in the cafe...

Thought I'd leave you with a cute pic of the dog snoozing after his bath, it's a hard life isn't it!??

Monday, 2 August 2010

Celtic Lady

Not much been happening so far this week, took little girly swimming this morning, it was lovely she's really enjoying splashing around!

Bit more progress (above) on celtic christmas design, I've done some more of the left hand border, it's coming along slowly but surely.


Thursday, 29 July 2010


We went to Shipley Woods this morning and had a picnic, it was lovely, so quiet and peaceful... we walked for about 2 and a half hours and are very tired now... going to work on my celtic christmas cross stitch later on this evening, can't wait!

Monday, 26 July 2010

Celtic Christmas WIP

I've been doing lots of cross stitching just lately. This is my progress so far... it's quite fiddly sewing all the little stitches in metallic thread, taking a lot longer than with normal cottons but it's getting there.

I'm planning on completing it for this christmas, finger's crossed!

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Local Food Festival

Today we are having for dinner game pie in red wine sauce with potatoes, carrots, peas.. the pie came from our local food festival we went to last weekend. Can't wait to try it as it's got rabbit and pigeon in it which we've never tried before.

This afternoon we are going to walk the dinner off by a trip to Carsington Water, love it there, always lots of wildlife to see and clean air to take it!

Ta ta for now!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Evening Stroll

Me and the dogger had a lovely walk tonight in the evening sunshine! It was so beautiful the views over the hills. We are so lucky to live in the country and be able to step out and see this view!

Tuesday, 20 July 2010


I'm addicted to bread making! Albeit I cheat by using a breadmaker but I love to wake up in the early hours to the smell of freshly baked bread, it certainly gets me up in the morning and ready for breakfast! I tend to either make honey bread or basic white. Has anybody got any other interesting recipe ideas they are willing to share?

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Den Making

We have been VERY busy today, creating a den for my one and a half year old! She absolutely loves it and has been picking up her toys one at a time and putting them in her snug little nest to make it just so.... really sweet.. it amazes me how fast toddlers pick up on things and start to copy you.. so beautiful!

Friday, 16 July 2010

First Time Quiltmaking...

Above is my first attempt at a quilt top! I love doing it but am a bit apprehensive about sandwiching the batting and back together! The lace doilies are thrifted and I simply love them, the fabric pieces are a mixture of Amy Butler fabrics and Joel Dewberry. I've sized it up to fit a single bed, what do you think?

Monday, 12 July 2010

Woolly Stripes...

A lovely project I've been working on for a while....

Colourful stripes!! I'm using up all my yarn stash to knit a blanket for my little one for the holidays... it's slowly but surely growing and growing...

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Happy Sunday...

We had a lovely day today spent at Elvaston Castle, which is only about 20 minutes drive away from us. We all went out early this morning and stomped through the lovely muddy ground and had great fun, time spent with my partner's family and their little doggy...

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Just contemplating...

cross stitching, knitting and eating chocolate.. yum...

Thursday, 14 January 2010


Meg at Sew Liberated has put some useful links regarding the awful disaster in Haiti, please take the time to have a look if you can... our thoughts are with them...

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Feeling creative...

I received some lovely Christmas gifts; namely some CK goodies wow I simply love her stuff and also a couple of really amazing books.... Amanda Blake Soule's Handmade Home book and Amy Karol's Bend the Rules with Fabric... I've been very creative with some ideas out of them ... will update you soon!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Autumn Baby Blanket

Well hello folks!

I finished my knitted baby blanket end of November.... am so so pleased with it. Also I completed a handknitted scarf for my partner's birthday and managed to make all my Christmas cards too.

Hope you are all having fun in the snow.. we've been out and about lots with baby and doggy.. who absolutely loves snuffling along in the snow.

Sorry it's a quick post but will update you further soon... bye for now..