Friday, 24 September 2010

Creative busyness..

I've completed a bit more of my celtic lady cross stitch picture. I've done all the beading on the top border and right hand border and am now working on the left hand side sewing on the red beads. I've really enjoyed sewing this picture and will be a little sad when it's complete.

Exciting news!!!! I treated myself to a new to me Nikon camera recently... I'm absolutely loving using it, took little one to the zoo so there were loads of photo opps there. Recently decided to make my own camera case for it. I've had this material for ages and ages and wasn't sure what to make out of it, so I thought this little project would be perfect for it. The bag is quilted for extra security against knocks and toddlers :)

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Giveaway on one of my fav blogs!

You simply must head over to one of my favourite blogs, she is doing a wonderful giveaway, you never know you may win! It's '' .... take a look...