Friday, 31 January 2014

Ta Dah! Tilda Santa!

Well I knuckled down yesterday and completed my Tilda santa! Am soooo pleased with him. He was quite challenging to make with lots of fiddly bits but the finished result was sooo worth it....
I particularly liked doing his face and making the bows down the front of his coat. I've put some more items in my shop... please either visit Etsy - KSewingBoutique or pm me if interested. Many thanks xx.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Tilda Fun

I've stormed through making the Tilda Santa and have very nearly finished him....
I've completed his body - that was quite fiddly to do, especially turning out the arms and legs as they are so thin. Overall I'm pleased with the results though and as you can see, he now has a coat with a cute small pocket on the side. Next to do is the earmuffs, his face and beard and bows down the front of the coat with shorts underneath.
Don't know if you can see from these photos or not, but we have SNOW! Yippee... only a small flurry though :( ha ha

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Weekly baking

This morning I've been busy sorting out weekly bake - I tend to make these things cos a) they tastier and no e-numbers etc in and b) it's cheaper.. I've made granola for our breakfast cereals which we have with raisins (I put them in after) and yogurt, floury baps which are deeelish for pack ups at work/school etc and honey tea loaf which is nice cos it doesn't have any sugar in apart from the honey and natural fruit.
This came in the post this morning :) ....
I ordered from the Open University and it was absolutely free! It's a great poster and is very good for answering those questions children ask when you out walking... Please excuse the pic quality of the first photo! It seems to be very grainy and dusty looking ... think my camera may be on way out!

Sunday, 19 January 2014


Great day today, I've cut and sewn and stuffed a bit more of the Tilda Santa as above... the arms and legs are now done but not sewn together, hope to get more done in next few days...
Other half has been busy painting war games models and customising them...
Dear daughter has been busy painting and making Disney princess pictures :)
Then this afternoon we went for a drive up to Hassop Station and walked along Monsal trail nearly to Monsal then back again to the station cafe for cakes and drinks. Other half treated me to this lovely Pintail Spiced Pear candle, it smells yummy :) Am now going to do a huge pile of ironing in prep for school tomorrow. TTFN

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Quiet Sunday

Well through enforced rest (poorly due to cold and neuralgia) I'm working my way through my knitting projects and cross stitch. I'm currently knitting a ribbed light grey hat for men (not sure who yet!) and have done a fair bit of my deer cross stitch picture too. Other half and little one are busy having an afternoon of Lego making - trying to complete all the kits daughter has, which is a lot!
As you can see from pic above, dog is chilled out too, all wrapped up from the cold!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Well hello and Happy New Year ... Gosh we had a fabby Christmas with a nice mixture of visiting and home time - snuggled up playing games and crafting... Look at some of the goodies my gorgeous other half bought me :). He's so lovely :) xx. He bought me some Tilda fabric and a gift card to spend in my fave store, which I got some wool and bits and bobs in the sales...
Snippets of the holidays ...
I've been making a Tilda santa from the above gorgeous book... it's coming along nicely..
Knitting happenings too...
Still loads of sweets and treats etc to eat from the hols :)
And... this to book in March !!! Anyone else going?