Monday, 8 June 2015

Sunshine and Seagulls

Hello there, Just a quick post today ... I've been busy making more fabric buckets for the shop and I particularly like this one as it's sooo Summery...
It's teeny tiny (only 4 x 4 inches) perfect for your little trinkets. I just love seaside themed fabrics and am very pleased with the quality of it as it's cotton but has a linen look to it :) Other things I've been busy with are my Lynette Anderson sewing satchel embroidery.. had a big boo boo on part of it as I was backstitching the little buzzy bees and realised too late I was stitching with 2 strands of floss which made it look way too thick and highlighted instead of subtle! doh! Oh well many hours of unpicking later it's coming along now :)
(this is actually last weeks photo but you get the idea! haha) It's great to be able to sit out in the garden at weekends and hear the birds singing. We've been out for walks in Derbyshire and plenty of time at home playing board games too :) TTFN

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