Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Lynette Anderson Project

Hello again, This week I've been busy with my Woodland Winter Cross Stitch picture... working on the bottom left hand corner which is mainly the snowy ground part, I'm actually enjoying stitching this section as there are so many different blues and whites shading which make it interesting.. can't wait to see it completed with perhaps a gold frame? Am loving the crow thread keeper which I received for a birthday present recently. Stitching by lamplight at the mo ...
This sewing satchel which I'm working on is another project I got from March's NEC Sewing for Pleasure show. It's from Cross Patch and is a Lynette Anderson fabric one. Love the muted tones of it and am just working on the embroidery which I will sew onto the front of it.
My other project which I'm eager to show you are these little hexapuffs from TinyOwlKnits. Which is eventually going to be... in literally a few years time... a Beekeepers Quilt. They are really good simple quick projects to knit up in an evening but I'm going to need approximately 200 (yikes) to stitch together to create a quilt! ha ha I do like large projects to get my teeth into!

1 comment:

Archeage Girl said...

So Beautiful.

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